I’ve written this post in my head a couple of times over the last few days! When I do this, then I know that a blog post is brewing J It’s a good thing for me because in the last 2 months I have noticed that I have become LAZY and not just in the ‘watching my bum grow’ sense.
I’m lazy at work (era I’ll do it later), I’m lazy at home
(I’ll clean at the weekend/ unpack tomorrow night, the couch is calling) Lazy
with regards to exercise, in that the only exercise I do is walking to my car!!
I can feel the lazy taking over everything!!
I’m dropping food on myself (ick & a wasteful), not
changing my nail polish very often (whaaaat), not making plans cuz I can’t be
arsed (lazylazy) I haven’t blogged in god knows how long (probably because I‘d
have to admit to being lazy!….)
I’ve been going around in a lazy daze… yawning my way
through my days, having no interest in anything at all… for no particular
reason… and its not fun or good for me really!!! I’m not sure how this has
happened but I have an idea and now its time for me to get back up off my arse
and grab life by the balls and get back
on the weight loss wagon 100%
On top of the move (which happened quite quickly once we
found the right place for us) I was in the process of switching banks and also
trying to teach myself how to run so I had a busy & stressful couple of
months. Shall I elaborate? OK so……
1. The Move
So in big news, I moved out of home last month J Yip me and the boy are
now renting a lovely apartment not too far away from home.. It’s a BIG change
for both of us and it has taken us a while to find a new routine and get used
to living together 24/7 (its not the same as hols) but its been brill so far
and I’m really enjoying it. But as I say, a BIG change for me… I’ve been living
at home forever (bar a brief 9 month escape to Oz 6 years ago) and my mum is
fantastic, as all mums are but…. she had me ruined… She done all my washing and
ironing, and my dinner was on the table everyday when I came in from work and I
had no clue how to use the washing machine!!! My cooking skills were limited to
say the least!!! So moving out for me (or anyone) was/is a BIG HUGE DEAL… there
was lots to do/ organise and buy J
(we didn't own a tea towel between us..lol) but we've done it and now I feel
like a proper grown up, finally moving out of the family home at the age of 30…
Moving at any time in ones life is very stressful and time
consuming and it took priority in my life…. So eating well and exercise took a
back seat for some unknown/ crazy reason!!! Everyone warned me that moving out
of home means gaining at least a stone! And although I swore I would be
different and this wouldn't happen to me (yeah right) I can see how it happens!!
Oh so easily!! I could feel myself falling into the trap of it and was very
slow to resist..
Doing my very own food shopping and being able to buy
ANYTHING I wanted! WOW (not sure why this was such a novelty, but it was)

Switching Banks
I thought this would be straightforward and easy! I thought
I’d fill out the forms and the bank would do the rest and that would be it.
This ended up taking over 4 weeks, endless phone calls where
I had to “verify” myself every.bloody.time before I could ask/ answer a
question.. very frustrating I must say, and all the paperwork that was
involved, you’d swear I was buying the bank, not just switching my accounts
But I got there and only this week is everything finally
sorted… I have all my cards and accounts in order!! Phew
Learning to run
After my holidays and Easter, I downloaded the couch to 5k
app and decided that it was time for me to start moving and with the change in
the weather I thought I’d give running a go. (sounded like a good idea in my
head) So I puffed and panted my way through the first 3 weeks of the app and I was
doing ok.. not great by any means, but I could almost run for 2 minutes without
stopping… Around this time at work there was talks of putting a relay team
together to run the Cork city marathon… The lads at work convinced me that if I
kept at it that I would definitely be able to run 5 miles non stop within 2 months!!!
I got caught up in the hype and agreed to try my best to do it… This was all in
April when I was browsing daft.ie more than facebook, seeing if there were any
nice places to possibly rent in the future… about a week after that I viewed an
apartment, really liked it, took the boy to view it, he really liked it and the
wheels were in motion for us to rent said apartment, once we jumped through all
the hoops, filed all the paperwork and got the bank issues sorted.
This all happened when I was suppose to be focusing on running
for longer and getting fit enough to be able to run in a race… IN JUNE…. Around
this time getting 30 minutes to myself to go for a run/ walk just wasn't happening,
so when I did get to go I didn't bother with my C25K app and decided to just
run for as long as I felt I could, get my breath back and go again.. (sounds straightforward
enough) during the 2nd time trying this way of running (I was in
panic stations with less than 3 weeks to the race and I still couldn't run 1 k
without stopping) I went down heavy on
my left foot, tried to shake it off and kept going, I was attempting to
run/hop/ limb along my route, telling myself that I was looking for another
excuse to stop…. But after 5 minutes I knew I had done something to my foot, so I
stopped and sat on a wall!! I even had to ring and get someone to collect me to
bring me home because I couldn't have limbed/ hopped back!!! And that was the end of my running!!
I went into work the
following week and told them that I wouldn't be running the race with them! I
felt bad, but in reality, I hadn't given myself enough time to be physically
able to run any race, let alone a leg of the marathon!!
I did go to the marathon and cheer everybody on, regardless
if they were doing the relay, half or full marathon… they all did brill in my
opinion J
So now when I drive passed people running the roads I have a new found respect
for them, because it isn't easy at all.
My leg was fine afterwards, I was limping for about a week
,but ice packs and elevating it helped… We had moved out during this time also
and the new bed was a killer for me, it was 2 weeks before I got a full nights
sleep and the bed is so low that my back was broken up during this time too (see didn't I tell you I’m the queen of
excuses and you must know by now that there’s ALWAYS something wrong with me)
So these have been my excuses/ reasons as to why I’ve been
so off track with weight loss, healthy living, exercise and life in general..
There’s never a good time to do any of these things but doing them all at the
same time… well its madness really but I’ve gotten through it, although I do
have a larger bum and a spotty face (and
possibly a bald patch…)
The only good thing I can report is that I didn't stop going
to my slimming world meetings!! I went and took the gains that were coming my
way!! Was this a good idea or bad idea? I don’t know!! Good I would think
because I’ve still been keeping track of my weight, even tho its been going in
the wrong direction…
There’s been a lot of changes in my life in the last 6
weeks, but there are still more to come and I think I’m ready to pop my lazy
bubble and get on with it…..