Wednesday 24 July 2013

6 week Challenge - WEEK 6 in Review +THE RESULTS

Hey All,

As you all know I was on holidays from work, my routine and computers last week. It was a staycation I enjoyed and why not with the fabulous 28 degrees +++ weather we’ve been having on the emerald Isle.  I did however have 2 training sessions that brought my 6 week programme to an end. And I decided that even tho I was very much in holiday mode, I would see this course through to the end.

On Monday only 7  turned up of the 12 that started so Ian our instructor decided to do his Bodyshock Class with us rather than circuit training, Its similar to what we had been doing in that we had to do a certain amounts of reps of different exercises, BUT we all had to do them together rather than racing through them like we normally would and we also used a weight bar each to add resistance, so it was an intense slow burning class and I assure you that it was a total body work out and shock. Definitely a class I would do again in the future.

Wednesday evenings class with Keith was a good class, there were 7 of us again, we paired off and had to count each others rep’s as we each had to do 50 of every exercise, we had a good laugh doing it this way I must say, and it was a nice way to end the course, we worked our asses off but we enjoyed it also, I could definitely see how far my fitness/strength has improved over the last few weeks.

I had the vomiting bug and wasn’t feeling great on Thursday and Friday! So I didn’t eat or drink much on these days!

So lets get to the RESULTS of my 6 Weeks shall we? I know that’s all I wanna know about, get to the point woman!!
Ok, so on Monday evening I was weighed, pinched and measured and here are the results

Inches                   Week 1                 Week 6                 Total Lost
Chest                    43.5                        41.5                        2 inches
Waist                    47                           40                           7 inches              
Hips                       48                           46                           2 inches
R Thigh                 27                           24                           3 inches
R Calf                    17.5                        14                           3.5 inches
R Arm                    14                           14                           0

Inches lost in total: 17.5 inches

Weight lost in total: 5.5lbs

Body Fat % has gone from 34% to 32%

I’m happy with the results, it’s the first time this year that I stopped worrying about the number on the scales and just done as I was told for 6 weeks (more or less)
I attended 10 of the 12 classes and stuck to the food plan 90% of the time.
I enjoyed the change up to my food and the work outs also, I’m thrilled with the inch loss factor, I hadn’t been taking my measurements before now so it was good to get those numbers and watch them getting smaller, and feel my clothes become a little looser.
I have officially dropped a dress size and people have noticed, so its been a good experience for me.
I would say that with the great weather of the last few weeks, it made this waaay more challenging with all the BBQ’s, Beer Gardens and Ice Creams. Saying no wasn’t always an option and my willpower decided to take a holiday, so the last few weeks have defo had its moments, good and bad. Other ladies in my group agreed with me on this front. I also had a lot on during this course, (concerts, weekends away and nights out) and I feel that if I hadn’t had this challenge to keep me going then I would definitely have gained an ice cream belly in the last couple of weeks.

Before and After photos are on the way at the end of this week.....

Week 1 = start
Week 2 = -4.5
Week 3 = +2
Week 4 = -2
Week 5 = +4
Week 6 = -3
Final weigh in = -2

***Photos from Google Images


  1. 7 inches from your waist! That's an amazing achievement for 6 weeks, fair play to you, you've done really well. Knew you could do it x

  2. Great progress, congratulations!
