Monday, 7 October 2013

Greedy Pig goes on Holidays‏ - The Post Mortem!

I've been putting off writing this post for over a week now! Why you may wonder? Well its because I knew that by writing to you lot and updating ye on my “progress” or lack of progress than I would have to stand up and take responsibility for my poor choices in the food department and explain the almost pregnant like pouch that has appeared on the top of my stomach. I look like a bloated over-sized whale and don’t feel much better for it. But I knew that by coming clean to you guys I would also have to admit to myself that I can’t eat whatever I like whenever I like and to be honest I probably never will be able to eat like that!! But most of the time I don’t feel the need to eat cake everyday on top of all the other crap I could stuff in if I tried!

I've gotten lazy with myself and have left the None Scale Victories go to my head and because of that the scales started to tip in the wrong direction and I turned a blind eye, cuz my jeans were new and a size smaller!!
I realize that we are all guilty of this and I have done this on many a weekend and just ate for 2 days solid but then pulled it back in and copped on.
HOWEVER this bought of lazy couldn't have come at a worse time for me and panic is the word I’d use today as to how I’m feeling about it all!!

23 days is my count at the moment of how many days I've been off plan and being a greedy pig!! I think it’s the longest consecutive  time that I've done this in AGES!

I think I need to back track to explain myself a little better.  As you all know I was suffering from total exhaustion and was burnt out completely and not feeling great. In my last post I told you  all that I was going on a well needed holiday to recharge my batteries and come back ready to face the world and get another stone off ASAP. That was the plan.
What actually happened was after a fantastic hen weekend in Galway, I never went back to being good, yes I went to my 2 gym classes but I was snacking that week and allowing myself to go into “holiday mode” before I ever set foot in the airport. The morning that I was due to fly out on my holidays I faced the scales to assess the hen and snacking damage and I was up 4lbs.
Up 4lbs before I even got on the plane or had to put on a bikini!!! NOT GOOD!
But I decided not to let it upset me, I was after all going on my holidays… For those 7 days I enjoyed the 34degree heat and ate out twice a day, everyday. I can honestly say I ate and drank my way through the week… But it was my holidays and these 7 days I was denying myself nothing.
I came back from holidays with the intentions of going back to the gym on the Monday evening and getting back to good and trying to do a little bit of post holiday damage control before facing the scales on the following Saturday. BUT myself and plane’s aren't friends and come Monday morning I was feeling like a head cold and flu was coming my way! And after a busy first day back at work I was shattered by 5pm and decided that going to the gym would be a bad idea. I don’t regret that decision. By Wednesday I had full on man flu and was feeling very sorry for myself. I worked through the whole week because I felt like I couldn't ask for time off after only coming back form my holidays, so all my effort went into focusing at work and getting thru the day. And of course this involved trips to the shop for coke and Wispa’s and biscuits to get me through. I had no taste and less of a smell than usual so I was craving sugar and hot food!!
You can see where I’m going with this? So the week at work had me eating crap and feeling rotten because of it but feeling too sorry for myself to stop myself or “care” about what I was doing!!

I was DREADING my post holiday weigh in, especially when I reckon I done more damage at work during the week then I had during my whole holiday!!! I was so close to cancelling my appointment and when I got there she told me Id be waiting 20 minutes, I almost ran out the door  BUT I didn't, I knew that I was getting out of control and that I had to be reined in and also that I had to take the control back and stop blaming me being sick!!! I get head colds ALL the time and don’t behave like a starved drama queen!! I was feeling verrry sorry for myself and ice cream was my only friend!!

So I hit the scales, up 6 lbs **gulp**sigh** Got a new food diary, had a stern talking to myself (Am I the only one that does this?) Made a shopping list and a food plan for the week and also made a batch of homemade veggie soup as a filler in-case the sugar withdrawal headaches are as awful as I remember!

So 23 days of gluttony have come to an end. This post is a week late! I could have stopped this madness 7 days ago but I didn't! and because of that I have gained 10lbs in 23 days!!!

Its gonna take me a tad longer than 23 days to get rid of those 10lbs I’m guessing!

Here’s my issues with the timing (that’s that there’s ever a good time to gain 10 pounds)
  • ·         I have something on every weekend for the next 7 weeks
  • ·         I have a dress fitting for my Bridesmaids dress NEXT WEEK
  • ·         The Wedding is in 6 WEEKS
  • ·         I feel horrible and bloated and gross
  • ·         My Jeans no longer need a belt!
  • ·         This is all my own doing

But none of the above are an excuse. For me this is the kick up the arse that I need at the moment. I need to get back to clean eating and moving a LOT more! I know what to do at this stage! Hell we all do!! I’m preaching to the choir at this stage.. So that’s it for now. I’m planning to blog a little more regularly over the next few weeks to get me back on track.. I’m aiming for a loss of 2-3lbs a week for the next few weeks, I need to get these 10lbs off as quickly as they went on and then I’ll deal with the rest…
***Images sourced from Google***

1 comment:

  1. Ah you poor yoke, I think all dieters (myself included) are capable of falling completely off the wagon which just shows how hard we have to work to keep on it! Well done you for getting the enthusiasm to get back on though and keep going, that's the hard part!
